Whole Body Assessment
More than 70 percent of patients in any general practice suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological diagnostics, yet the patient still experiences a myriad of symptoms.
How is the Whole Body Assessment test performed?
Using the QEST4 system we have in the office, a Whole Body Assessment is performed. It is a form of testing intended to bridge the gap between “normal” lab test results and treatment. When a patient still experiences symptoms but problems cannot be identified by conventional lab work, the Whole Body Assessment can detect the issues related to your symptoms.

As the patient, you hold non-intrusive electrodes in each hand while the QEST4 system scans your body using a microamp current that is sent through your body’s meridian pathways and is captured through data access points on the hands. The amount of current that passes through your body reveals the functional status of the body’s tissues. This allows us to see a true picture of how your body is actually functioning.
Once we have identified the problem areas in the body, the QEST4 screens for potential remedy options. The QEST4 system is loaded with over 40,000 homeopathic, nutritional, herbal, and pharmaceutical remedies. Electromagnetic signatures of these remedies are sent to the body and the QEST4 measures the body’s response. Your body will indicate the best remedies to address the issues found in your body’s tissues.
On average, three to twelve visits are needed to fully restore optimum balanced energy. After each visit, you should notice positive changes in your health and an overall reduction of your symptoms.
More Information
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