Muscle Testing
What is it?
Muscle Testing is a neuromuscular response elicited through ischemic compression of dermatomes corresponding to various organs and body parts.
Muscle testing is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the understanding that various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and that specific muscle weakness can signal internal problems such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances or other organ or gland problems.
How does it work?
Muscle testing is using the body’s own reflexes to determine where there is stress in the body.
The nervous system is connected to every part of the body. It’s constantly monitoring your physiology. We use this system as a form of biofeedback. When a particular area of the body is touched, your nervous system should be aware of this reflex.
Clinical Kinesiology, Chiropractic Plus Kinesiology, Nutritional Response Testing, and Functional Biochemistry are all techniques that use muscle testing (kinesiology) that help determine the proper therapy or treatment for you.
These techniques are designed to address the structural, chemical, and the electromagnetic aspects of the body as well as the psyche.
When addressing a structural aspect, it may require the use of light traction, an adjustment, or massage. The chemical aspect may include the use of an herb or supplement. The electromagnetic aspect may include an acupuncture needle, magnet, or a polarizer placed on the body. The psyche therapy may require a flower remedy.
Is it accurate?
Many people disbelieve that muscle testing is accurate. The “Find Out More” button below is to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience regarding testing for food sensitivities. It was determined that muscle testing was 90.5% accurate when compared to blood testing for food sensitivities.
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