IV Nutritional Therapy

Welcome to feeling better and nourishing your body with nutrient IV drip!

We provide customized tailored IV programs to address many different health goals.

Instant Nutrition

What is IV therapy used for?

Intravenous (IV) vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can boost immune function, increase energy levels and help manage a variety of chronic health problems. Here at Health Begins Inside, we use intravenously delivered vitamin drips bring much needed vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into your body, all under the watchful care of our the doctors and trained medical staff.

Why do we need Nutritional IV therapy?

We offer nutritional IV therapies because it’s one of the best ways to supply essential nutrients — nutrients that make up your body’s normal metabolism and those required for restoring balance (homeostasis) — for supplementation in the medically supervised battle against illness and fatigue.

When you’re dehydrated, acutely or chronically ill, you may benefit from “jump-starting” your system with a high concentration of nutrients going directly to the cells affected, getting them instantly on the road to healing. By directly administering nutrients to the body, versus getting them through food and supplements, higher blood levels can be achieved, which can provide the immediate therapeutic response you need.

What are the benefits of IV therapy?

Specific benefits to IV nutrient infusion therapy may include improved immune function, increased energy, more restorative sleep, decreased stress and anxiety, enhanced mood and overall enhancement of your well-being.

What conditions & symptoms can IV therapy help?

Nutrient IV therapy administration is also a powerful therapy for numerous health-related issues and medical conditions, including:


  • Asthma

  • Athletic enhancement and recovery

  • Atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Dehydration

  • Diabetes Type II

  • Fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain

  • Gastrointestinal problems

  • Heavy metal toxicity (i.e., mercury)

  • Hypertension

  • Infections – acute and chronic

  • Malnutrition

  • Migraine headaches

  • Multiple chemical sensitivities

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Neurotoxins

  • PMS

What kinds of IV therapy are there?


This powerful blend of vitamins and minerals is designed for IV use. Dr. John Myers, a Maryland physician, originally developed it in the 1970s. Since then, doctors all over the world have used the Myers’ Cocktail to help protect against a broad spectrum of health conditions, including acute viral and bacterial infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, bronchitis, sinusitis, fibromyalgia, asthma, and other respiratory problems.


This IV contains a blend of Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, B-vitamins and Glutathione to help boost the immune system for optimal function. This can help post-COVID or long-haul COVID symptoms, colds, weakness, fatigue and even rashes.


This vitamin therapy is often used in a medically supervised plan of care for chronic fatigue and other autoimmune disorders in which a powerful immune enhancing Vitamin C into the body that goes straight into the blood stream.


When life gets extra busy, this IV — which is designed to combat stress, anxiety and depression — helps to nourish and calm your nervous system with high-dose magnesium.


Antioxidants are the key to halting the process of aging. Full of vitamin C, B complex, selenium, chromium, taurine, carnitine and glutathione (the body’s master antioxidant), this IV helps reduce the processes that cause aging.


This is a potent antioxidant that quenches dangerous free radicals and binds to dangerous toxins through a process called “conjugation” so that they can be safely eliminated. Oral glutathione is not very stable; stomach acid and enzymes break it down into its three component amino acid parts, thereby rendering it useless.

To combat that, we use IV glutathione to ensure effective delivery of the nutrient directly into the bloodstream.


When life gets extra busy, this IV — designed to combat stress, anxiety and depression — may help to nourish and calm your nervous system with high-dose magnesium. Intravenous magnesium sulfate has been clinically proven to help battle several kinds of cardiovascular disease. Minerals are extremely important in the regulation of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. And of course, the heart is a muscle.


When your amino acid absorption rate is poor as determined by blood and urine tests, this amino acid drip, which is formulated for your individual needs, will allow the stomach to begin absorbing nutrients properly. This can help symptoms such as depression and signs of poor absorption such as delayed healing and fatigue.


Chelation therapy involves the infusion of specific drugs like EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) to remove heavy metals from the body. Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum are toxic to the body in milligram amounts. They may contribute to cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, heart failure and strokes; dementia; and other neurological disorders including autism, diabetes, and kidney disease. Because of their slow elimination, heavy metals may be stored in various body tissues for many years. Because blood testing does not accurately assess body storage of heavy metals, we measure urinary excretion of these metals after giving a dose of a chelating agent.

Chelation therapy, given as an infusion of vitamins and minerals and EDTA, has been employed for more than 50 years as a medically supervised approach for managing cardiovascular disease. Patients receive an initial series of infusions, two or three times a week for a total of 30 sessions, thereafter once a month indefinitely as maintenance therapy.

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